On the week ending 15/01/2021

Happy new year! I’m definitely going to write down some proper new year’s resolutions this weekend. In the meantime though let’s do something easy and review this week. Just like seemingly everyone atm I’m at a bit of a low ebb. It’s to be expected of course, so many of us have been cooped up at home alone for nearly a year at this point. There’s not much worth getting out of bed for right now.

On the week ending 07/08/2020

I’m going to give this weeknote thingy a try let’s see… So here goes nothing This week has been pretty tough honestly, I feel exhausted. The lockdown seems like it’s really starting to get to everyone. I don’t mind the isolation so much as the sense of being trapped - tied to my laptop, unable to escape my work. There are so many competing forms of communication and people can’t see how busy you are and get frustrated.

On having team values

Great teams have a sense of purpose. Having a shared vision can drive you forward by giving you inspiration and by strengthening the bonds between your team members. I feel lucky to work in a team where in our first ever team meeting we were able to talk a little about what we wanted from our shared work and set some team values together. Our session boiled down to three main values: Technical Excellence, Respect and Collaboration.

On creating over consuming

The internet is a miraculous invention. It has the power to make knowledge truly free to everyone in the world. Gone are the days that information is kept behind closed doors, accessible to only a privileged few. But this freedom is something we must fight to protect every day. I have toyed with having a personal website for many moons. I finally decided to stop faffing about and actually do something about it after attending this talk at Tech Nottingham: How We Built the World Wide Web in Five Days.